The article reports on a study of sleeping disorder experienced by older people, referencing to an article that was published online by the journal "Brain" in August 2014.EBSCO_AspHarvard Womens Health Watch
Don’t nap too late in the day. If you must nap, try to do so when yourcircadian rhythmcauses a natural dip in alertness, typically before 3 p.m. (16) Sleep in a room that’s cool, quiet and dark. (14) Senior Sleep Problems: Challenges Older Adults Face ...
People have told me that they know the sociopath is bad for them, and they need to end their involvement, but they don’t want to give up the sex! Other people have told me that they’re afraid they’ll never find another partner who is so sexually exciting! I specifically asked about...
Don’t argue with your parents. Don’t get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably won’t consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you can’t express yourself well if you are angry. Go some place to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are ...
A few spiders follow. Here is an unidentifiedFlower Crab Spiderfeeding on a Syrphid Fly. I don’t have the pictures that would help me to identify either the spider or the prey: The next spider I know quite well. This is aSixspotted Orbweaver,Araniella displicata, which is an interesting...
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Well I hate to break it to them but it doesn't. There's this thing called compromising and learning to swallow your pride. Guys can be very difficult to communicate with and they throw fits if things don't go their way. They need to learn that they aren't always going to be in ...
The problem you’re having isn’t that you’re an older virgin – there’re plenty of those – nor that you don’t have any relationship experience (ditto). It’s that you’ve already decided that the problem is intractable, insoluble and permanent and you aren’t doing the things that...
In some cases, people who get sick frequently have an underlying condition affecting their immune systems. In those situations, people (especially kids) are more likely to require hospitalization for an infection and experience weight loss, severe fatigue and rare infections that others don’t typica...
It would be great if every vaccine prevented a person from getting sick. The reality, and something most people already know firsthand, is that most vaccines don't work that way. But that doesn't mean they don't work at all. The bottom line: All vaccines are protective. The key is ...