Meanwhile on social media: Kamala Harris' facial reactions to Donald Trump on the debate stage are already rapidly spreading online, re-igniting the coconut-pilled fan base that started spreading clips of Harris when she became the top of ticket. Brittany Gibson09/10/2024, 9...
The town is on the edge of Sam Houston National Forest, but it may be a thieves' forest with a crime rate 150% above the national average. It's probably best to make sure it's cleared before you wed. This place actually makes moving to Ohio seem like a good idea. Noah Sherwood/Can...
my guess is that when it became pass-fail — and we all respond to incentives — that the incentive to get a good grade was taken away, and as much as we want to say you’re in this for the learning not for the grade, there’s a lot going on in everybody’s lives. My guess...
is involved in the federal case in Ohio and state cases. He said it was right the Sacklers should be targeted. “They’ve been hiding behind a corporate structure and it’s high time they paid a price,” he said.~Comments
captured and charged with homicides, Manson was portrayed by the media as a hippie cult leader, and the counterculture became a dangerous enemy. Hitchhikers were shunned. Communes were raided. In the public's mind, flower children had grown poisonous thorns. But Manson was never really a hippie...
Budde became seriously concerned. If the government tried to arrange for Lehman to be pawned off on another Wall Street firm, as it had done with Bear Stearns, the U.S. taxpayer might wind up footing the bill for a company with hundreds of millions of dollars in concealed compensation. So...
As a young adult, she rarely encountered children and would get annoyed in situations where they were crying or running around. It wasn’t until she became a mother that she began to see things differently. “Until then, there was an otherness about kids,” she says. “Raising a child on...