no its not my first project.. Actually like you i also created project 3 day ago and its working fine... But today i don't know what happens to "npm install" ...i am trying to create new project but its not creating properly and giving above error what i mentioned in issue Sorry...
1- currently using pip to manage dependencies not conda, not planning to learn conda, not planning to move the entire project to conda to save an image 2- npm is not working 3- appimage is bizar, I don't intent to have a sub dependency of a library in a docker container to load ke...
Add the plugin as listed below and start react-native packager as usual. Default env for babel is "development". If you do not use expo when working with react-native, the following method will help you. module.exports={presets:['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],env:{development:{...
I have been running this website for last 2 years and yesterday when I ran npm run build, it was killed. So, I logged out and when I logged in, digital ocean…
.;Microsoft VS Code\bin;D:\software\Microsoft VS Code\bin;D:\software\IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3\bin;;C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\npm;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\jre\bin;D:\software\\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2020.1.2\bin; ...
I have a 2D cellular automaton open source projecthere, where the automaton is basically this: exportinterfaceCA{i:Uint8ClampedArray;load:Uint8ClampedArray;max: number;move:Array<RuleType> |Array<(n:Uint8ClampedArray) =>number>;n:Uint8ClampedArray;save:Uint8ClampedArray;size:...
node -v v0.10.5 npm ERR! npm -v 1.2.18 npm ERR! npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in: npm ERR! /Users/lust/Documents/ply/dev-server/npm-debug.log npm ERR! not ok code 0 For completeness here's the working json $ cat package.json { "name": "ply", "...
"scripts":{..."postinstall":"npm run watch:all"} postinstallruns immediately after you runnpm installin your command line. This is a nice-to-have especially when working on teams; when someone clones your project and runsnpm install, ourwatch:alltasks starts immediately. They’ll automatically...
Node.js is an increasingly popular back-end development environment that facilitates the development of versatile applications for large companies, SMEs, and start-ups. This robust solution offers an extensive set of development tools for creating real-time apps, IoT apps, apps with microservices and...
It is an added layer on top of JavaScript: more complexity, more things to learn, etc. It introduces a compilation step when writing code. npm packages can only be used if they have static type definitions. These days, many packages either come with type definitions or there are type def...