React is considered frontend. It’s commonly used to create interactive and dynamic UI components for web applications. However, React can also be used on the backend with technologies like Next.js, which allows for server-side rendering of React applications, blurring the line between frontend an...
importReactfrom'react';// For react-native you might want to use// the __DEV__ flag instead of process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'if(process.env.NODE_ENV==='development'){constwhyDidYouRender=require('@welldone-software/why-did-you-render');constReactRedux=require('react-redux');...
I’m not a frontend/UI/UX developer, but I often had to develop UIs for systems that I wrote for the past 1.5 decades as a senior software engineer. For the past several years however, React has been one of my favorite tools for developing UIs. I even started to write desktop app UI...
Access to Native APIs A native platform API which is not fully available in JavaScript is sometimes needed by a React Native app. If you wish to reuse some existing Objective-C, Swift, Java, or C++ libraries, this is a good option. Or when you need to build multi-threading, high-perf...
expo-2d-context can let many React components developed by browser-like canvas APIs be easily ported to React Native, but it need ctx.flush() that not belongs to canvas 2d APIs, and expo-2d-context(with expo-gl@8) performance is too low, maybe expo-2d-context(with JSI expo-gl@11) ...
In conclusion, optimization costs more than not having it. Without vs With useCallback in React [With Code Example] The useCallback hook in React is a powerful tool for optimizing performance by memoizing functions. This ensures that functions are not re-created on every render, which can be...
Native formobile app development. This article will explore the top 12 reasons why you should use React Native. Keep in mind that not every reason will apply to every project, so be sure to carefully evaluate your needs before deciding whether or not React Native is the right solution for ...
So we're setting up app-based conditional access so that iOS and Android are forced to use the Outlook Mobile app instead of the built-in ones and then applying app protection policies to force PIN etc. We are not enrolling devices.One...
Flutter and React-Native are the most popular cross-platform frameworks. But which will be best for your future App and why? This article will help you.
Since the majority of your React Native code is just plain JavaScript, it reaps the benefits of all the advancements in the language and its ecosystem. Instead of waiting on your framework developers to implement all the array manipulation functions you want, why not just uselodash? For manipula...