The first time Caitibugzz got 2,000 concurrent viewers on her Twitch stream, she had no idea that was kind of a big deal.And before that, she had no idea she’d end up on Twitch at all. Subscribe to get the latest creator newsSubscribeCaiti–like many other teens during the COVID ...
I was in a state of “nothingness,” and no matter what I wrote, it didn’t feel right. After my trip to Kanazawa, I decided to write a song without thinking about the tie-in, and the first thing that came to me was the A-melo (first verse) of “Why.” That reall...
anL.A. Reid-led project to introduce new acts. The then-young Atlanta rapper duo took a Southern hip-hop spin on the season, which can come across as a little irreverent, but at least they're honest: "Ain't no chimneys in the ghetto so I won't be hangin' my socks on no ch...
With Nimbus, Noumenon Games delivers a creative, accessible, and intelligently designed title. Its style of gameplay fuses twitch action with puzzle and racing elements and offers challenges that, while sometimes frustrating, remain satisfying all the way through. With numerous reasons to replay stages...
On the night before WR, I popped in to pay my last respects to the Silver Dolyak statue and say my goodbyes to Tarnished Coast. Sad, nostalgic, but accepting that things are no longer the same and cannot stay constant. Then logged out to wait for the new day. ...
Over the years in Trivium and while streaming on Twitch, Heafy has exemplified his supreme understanding of the nuance of several styles of metal and, here, he has the liberty to lean heavily in one direction specifically. Emperor legend produced and engineered the album while lending a hand ...
And this wasn’t through any connivance on her part; it was just that once she was there in your life nobody else could really match up. She really was the first person I’d go to in times of need. Not despite the fact that she’d respond to my crises by suggesting that I get...
this Pew Research Centerstudy on teen internet useshows that most U.S. teenagers use the internet every day, with some using it almost constantly—and they’re not on Facebook. You’re more likely to find teen girls on TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram and teen boys on Reddit and Twitch....
Sebastian said making the record "changed us as songwriters and musicians. In many ways, I feel like it set me free as an artist because every decision made in the writing process was for myself, with no fear for anyone else’s expectations of what our third album should sound like." ...
I recorded a few sound test videos and a review video, and I actually caught something that the other prototype-run joiners as well as Bloody did not. While it’s obviously not widespread since no one else had this “issue”, I experienced that in its bottom mount configuration, it accen...