Germany was the locomotive of Europe before the war. Yes, Germany was a leading nation culturally and intellectually before the war, not just in science but also in literature and art. But the German influence diminished after the war and many people left. Bentzen though that like Werner Heise...
1. Myanmar’s official military, the Tatmadaw, is alleged to have forcibly deported the Rohingya from Myanmar’s territory.1 The United Nation’s Human Rights Council’s Fact-Finding Mission reports th...
Hence, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do and How To Change gives the readers an insight into the world's top notch companies, Rick Warren's Saddleback Church, NFL locker rooms and the nation's largest hospital to suggest the importance of right habits。
But in science one experiment, whether it succeeds or fails, is logically followed by another in a theoretically infinite progression. According to the underlying myth of modern science, this progression is always replacing the smaller knowledge of the past with the larger knowledge of the present,...