Can't connect to MySQL on Ubuntu VM running on Hyper V from Workbench running on Windows Server 2012 Host Can't create a production checkpoint on VM. Can't delete a virtual machine Can't delete some old VHDX files Can't eject DVD ISO from Hyper-V guest machine on Windows 10 Enterprise...
I do have a Linked Server to a MySQL database, that pulls in data to SQL, compares ID numbers, and inserts into MySQL if it doesn't exist there. It's a pretty light job, runs every 10 minutes, , and has been running for years on our old SQL 2005 server. EDIT: MAY 10, ...
a bowl of cereal, something to drink. Maybe even indulge in a shower. Try that new lavender and citrus shampoo you bought by mistake. While you’re doing all this, your subconscious is busily working on the website issue, and may unexpectedly pop a solution into your thoughts. If ...