it's the fact that they sometimes lap up their own urine. It doesn't take away from their cuteness, but we can all agree it's pretty gross.If you find your new family member licking their own pee, there
Well, human, cat pee smells bad to you partly because you’re not a cat who uses urine to communicate with other felines. Cat urine is also highly concentrated because domestic cats evolved from desert animals and their bodies are very efficient at absorbing water. But the strong ammonia odo...
Why does my whole house smell like cat pee? Even people without feline friends may smell cat urine, especially after it rains. That distinctive odor can be anindication of a mold problem. Certain types of mold have a smell similar to cat urine, including dangerous toxic black mold, which s...
Your urine can become red or have a pinkish tint if you consume a diet of red colored fruits or vegetables like beets, rhubarb and blueberries. Blood may also cause the urine to be reddish. The bacteriaPseudomona, which causes urinary tract infections, can also turn your pee green. So can...
When your urine become foamy, it may be nothing but can also indicate severe underlying conditions. Find out the causes and ensure you're perfectly healthy.
Ifkidney diseaseis the cause of your brown urine, you might also have symptoms like: Swelling in your face, around youreyes, and in your hands andfeet Less of a need to pee, or less urine when you do go Feelingtired You should see a doctor if you have symptoms. Doctors will diagnose...
What color is cat spray? How to Clean and Get Rid of Cat Spray Smell. Cat spray looks and smells like urine, to a point. A well-hydrated kitty produceslight yellowurine with its typical acidic odor. But because of pheromones in cat spray, it's often darker yellow and smells particularly...
Distinguished thinkers as varied as Scottish mathematician and physicianJohn Arbuthnot(who wrote in a 1731 book that “asparagus…affects the urine with a foetid smell”) and Marcel Proust (who wrote howthe vegetable “transforms my chamber-pot into a flask of perfume”) have commented on the ph...
You could be eating foods high in B vitamins, dehydrated, or on a medication that makes your pee neon yellow. Should I be concerned if my urine is bright yellow during pregnancy? No, unless you are experiencing symptoms like blood in your urine, pain in your lower abdomen, or frequent ur...
Unless you’ve been hiding under a pile of hay, you’ve probably noticed: guinea pigs pee and poop ... A LOT. The good news is that guinea pig pee doesn’t have as pungent of a smell as other animals’ urine and their cage odors generally won’t travel through the whole house. (...