There is areasonwhy the default proxies for NHibernate force all members of the entities to be virtual. It is not just because we think everything should be virtual (it should, but that is not a discussion for now). It is all about being able to allow the user to use a real POCO....
So all the imaginary measuring of “inflation” is simply a measurement of price changes, and not actual inflation. The core of inflation – what inflation is and can never be anything else – is a debasement of money. This debasement of money, however, has no direct effect on prices. One...
is definitely the slowest to respond to my keystrokes and is sometimes lagging by between 3 to 5 seconds before displaying my text. Many times, it misses one or two letters consecutively. Why is this please? Going back over five years on Google on Yahoo searches, I found there to be a ...
then to one of the first versions of Ubuntu, and have never looked back. The stability and speed I get out of my (now ageing) laptop is just amazing. All software packages I download are free software as well, and I can fullfil any computing need I require on this basis. When...
My dishes, I mean. What you do with Japanese is your business. About half of life is doing the right stuff. The other half is avoiding the wrong stuff. It reminds me of the ancient Japanese saying: “You’re in the army now, you’re not behind the plow.” So now get out there ...
My infrared Microsoft Intellimouse is being erratic. Doesn’t follow the direction of the hand movement and lags behind sometimes not moving. I have checked all settings and drivers as much as I know how. Erratic mouse movement is a pain. You move one way, and the mouse jumps around the ...