Why is my charger not working? Your charger might not be working due to several reasons. The charging cable could be frayed or internally damaged, preventing the phone from receiving power. The adapter itself might have malfunctioned, especially if exposed to power surges or physical damage. Usin...
Check your BIOS or UEFI setting, sometimes they have option to automatically power on the device.Also check if this problem persist when you are disconnected from the LAN.a
1 newbie january 15 edited january 15 in aspire laptops my laptop turns itself on after shutting down 0 answers puraw ace, member posts: 15,334 trailblazer january 15 https://community.acer.com/en/discussion/719389/why-does-my-laptop-turn-itself-back-on-after-i-shut-down the system is ...
My laptop shuts itself down but can't boot itself up. It is stuck in the black screen and the logo does not show up. I have to shut it down and start it up manually to make it boot again. So is it the OS's fault or the hardware itself? thankyou. :) kanok suriyachan, Nov ...
why is my laptop slow? learn more why is my laptop slow? there are several possible reasons why your laptop may be running slowly. one common cause is running too many programs or having too many browser tabs open, which can overload your computer's memory and slow down its performance....
backlit keyboards can help improve productivity. As one user noted, “Backlit keyboards actually do serve a specific purpose for me. I tend to use the computer in the dark with only light from my screen and I can’t touch type, so I do have to glance down at my keyboard to keep on ...
keeping windows services trimmed down by disabling unnecessary startup items as they bog down performance due to their constant resource usage in turn leading towards stuttering frames amongst the internal machine respectively paraphrased here at. what should i do if my laptop is still slow after tr...
Why does my laptop keep shutting off when logging in and during the setup process after...: I have a Microsoft Surface Book. Recently, my computer started to shut down every time I would try and login. Once I typed in my password on the login screen it would begin to login and then...
My laptop has never experienced a power loss, BSOD, or any other system lock-up. The only type of reboot I have initiated or experienced with it is due to a system update or my own preference to shutdown the computer. On Windows Vista, at various times I may have had a power outage...
M-series MacBook Air models use a fanless design that prevents dust buildup. However, this also increases the chance of the CPU throttling during heavy usage. The only way to cool these Macs is with a third-party laptop cooling station that uses external fans to blow air over the machine...