I got rid of my virtual assistant (sadly…), because it was easy enough to do it 100% on my own… which is a minor miracle. So, no more monthly salary on the books. I went from paying $149 A MONTH to paying $690 ONCE. So instead of $1,788 a year, I’m not making ANY MO...
The use ofpflagin Viper does not preclude the use of other packages that use theflagpackage from the standard library. The pflag package can handle the flags defined for the flag package by importing these flags. This is accomplished by a calling a convenience function provided by the pflag p...
My personal belief as I’ve stated before, is that there are different kinds/causes of ALS. There have been a few articles over the years discussing possible neurotoxins; but not enough research. Your post is thought provoking and I am looking forward to other’s response. Also, ...
"@babel/helper-function-name": "^7.1.0", "@babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions": "^7.0.0", "@babel/helper-optimise-call-expression": "^7.0.0", "@babel/helper-plugin-utils": "^7.0.0", "@babel/helper-replace-supers": "^7.4.4", "@babel/helper-split-export-declaration": ...
IFS statement. All this can be done in Python as well. As an advanced Excel user, you might ask yourself: “Why should I learn Python if I already know how to do the same in Excel?” That’s an excellent question, and I kept asking it myself back a few years ago. Here’s my ...
Creating a reusable bit of HTML in Clojure is extremely convenient: just make a plain function. Similarly, you don't need to go through a templating language to use logic like loops or ifs in your HTML: you just write plain Clojure; you've got the power of a full programming language ...
Also this is coming from a PvE player and not PvP. I get killed all the time in PvP and it doesnt bother me. I even use my /sweep emote on dead bodies for fun. When it does, I go back to PvE for awhile, not running to the forums about how someone "used an emote on me" ...
2.1.2 The case of satiation in real base money balances The Cobb-Douglas instantaneous utility function does not have satiation in real money balances for finite holdings of real money balances. There is a material issue with the existence of a liquidity trap equilibrium or ZLB equilibrium when ...
Thus, it seems that health-related anxiety and perceived scarcity can be experienced by individuals who do not hold pervasive, maladaptive beliefs that uncertainty is negative and impairs a person's ability to function. It also means individuals who hoard possessions may do so regardless of whether...
The real answer of course is not money, it’s fear. But if you dig deeper, their fear is still about “running out of money”, even though it is almost mathematically impossible at this point. To train away this fear in myself and others, I like to conduct a thought experiment. And...