or a subset of it, as theMEAN Stack). By working with such astack, Init is able to use just a single language while creating an incredibly flexible and fully featured environment for developing web apps. In short, Init lets you use JavaScript not only for client and ...
Popular IDEs may encourage the use of WYSIWYG editors to drop in and drag around HTML controls (or groups of them). As argued in that previous post, WYSIWYG as a paradigm for HTML may actually be inappropriate, (unless you treat WYSIWYG as WYSIWYG-when-css-is-not-enabled). Popular framewo...
The present version is a proof of concept, using Django as its web framework. This is in no way a finely finished piece of work; I have not spent much more than a working day's worth of work on it. If I were to seriously use this for a site I would add a bit more finesse. ...
On the other hand, I keep feeling frustrated by how simple things have to be done in very complicated ways when working with Joomla which is poorly developped, which is a commonly admitted fact and not only my personnal opinion. That’s why Joomla is slowly disappearing from the web which...
We know what our ideal server environment is (XServes + Apache + Python + Django) and we know there's a huge difference between what we're able to do now and what we'll be able to do in the future with that setup. But first, a little background. I've been working with ColdFus...