Why is protein synthesis different in prokaryotes and eukaryotes? Why are viruses not classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes? Why are introns only in eukaryotic DNA? Why does transcription occur in the nucleus and not in the cytoplasm in eukaryotes?
Why is there no RNA in the nucleus? Why is DNA stable but RNA is not? How does the transcription of DNA to RNA work? Why do RNA viruses mutate faster than DNA? Why is DNA better than RNA as genetic material? Explain. How does RNA polymerase synthesize RNA?
The genome is tightly condensed into chromatin, which needs to be loosened for transcription to occur. In order to halt the transcription of a gene the DNA must be wound tighter. ... There are instances of the core globular domains of histones being methylated as well. ...
apparatus where SREBP-2 is cleaved to its active form. The activated SREBP-2 enters the nucleus and initiates the transcription of its target genes. When cholesterol levels suffice, SREBP-2 is inactive and located in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) associated with SREBP-2 cleavage activation protei...
positive selection cannot be directly implicated in the transfer event as a given mitochondria-to-nucleus EGT is usually deleterious. Thus, mitogene transfers likely occur in a nearly neutral situation where the fixation of slightly deleterious EGTs becomes possible. In such cases, the likelihood of...
Sperm RNA is unlikely to be transcribed from sperm nuclear DNA because of the changes in chromatin structure that occur when protamines replace histones during sperm DNA compaction 7, 8. Hence, it was originally thought that sperm RNAs were simply relics of spermatogenesis 2, 9, 10. However, ...
Experiences, Oaklander writes, “occur in the sequence (A), (B), (C), (D) and not the other way around. Thus, to account for change, we must account for [...] changing experiences taking place in the direction from earlier to later (A) to (D) and not from later to earlier (...
Although defective particles may uncoat in the cytoplasm, elegant studies by Pathak and coworkers recently demonstrated that effective reverse transcription leading to integration actually initiates in the nucleus, or at the nuclear membrane and is completed in the nucleus. Uncoating follows reverse ...
A complex network of genetic interactions between the organelles and the nucleus regulates the metabolic functions, biogenesis, and maintenance of the mitochondria. The mitochondrial ribosomes and the energy transduction machineries are assemblies of both nuclear and organellar encoded subunits. The correct...
Chapter 4 Morphology What is morphologyThe total number of words stored in the brain is called the lexicon.Words are the