Scott's rations were low in vitamin C and those of the B group. The length of time the party were exclusively eating sledging rations was not enough to develop scurvy fully, though was long enough to start to develop some of the debilitating effects of running low on these vitamins, a...
Individual economic gain aspi- rations need to yield to survival needs. Yet, if there is a detectable pattern, it seems to be that instead of prioritizing the needs of the poor, exchange value orientation means prioritizing the rich with purchasing power. Second, and as a consequence of ...
The resulting ZDV values should be much less than 1 and individual phytoplankton cells will grow by independently utilizing their local nutrient concentrations. Because this is a steady state ecosystem, the community averaged nutrient uptake rate must equal the rate that grazing and reminerali- ...
2. The US government changed the methods used to calculate the CPI in about 1996, so as to reduce CPI increases. The most significant of these is ‘hedonic’ calculations for computers, which alone reduced the US CPI increases by at least 20% during 1997–2003. (The justification for hedon...
Ice can be made to feel as hot as a coal. Sensation can be inhibited, and pain banished. Such is the range of the un- conscious mind's credulity. It accepts as facts things that are contrary to all the facts of experi- ence, and it is this quality that must be depended on by ...
and rations the use of items to those willing to pay for them. The Soviet economy did not fail because its bureaucrats were stupid or lazy, but because it was just not humanly possible to know all the relevant information and to combine it properly to come up with a price that results ...