Why Churches Worship Illegally—In ParisChurch Buildings
Politics is a transactional game, and presidents don’t need to be moral to be effective. While much has been made of the hypocrisy of Trump’s Christian supporters, these “values voters” who’d once gone apoplectic over Bill Clinton’s indiscretions and now capitulated to the most immoral...
I've discussed thelack of single menin the church, part of a larger issue of males in general drifting away from "too feminized" worship experiences on Sunday mornings. About a year ago, I told a friend I was worried that if churches didn't change their hyper family focus, they'd star...
The social community aspect of the church is an important piece of the separations, said Lee Jefferson, an associate professor of religion at Centre College in Kentucky. "The bellwether of United Methodist practice isn't necessarily Sunday worship. It's Sunday school," he said. "Some congregatio...
” the pope said in his address to Italian and Palestinian delegations who contributed to the various Nativity scenes presented. “Brothers and sisters, enough of wars, enough of violence! Do you know that arms production is one of the most profitable investments here? Profiting from murder......
ManyChristianshavebeguntheirannualHolyWeekwalk,someonPalmSundayand othersthisGoodFriday.Itisaliteralwalkalongthestreets.Mostofthetimeitisan innerjourney,walkinginheartandmindwithJesusfromhisentryintoJerusalemon thefirstPalmSunday,throughtohisdeathonGoodFriday,tohiswonderfulreturn tolifeonEasterDay.Butwhy?Whydo...
The Winter Solstice is the day where there is the shortest time between the sun rising and the sun setting. It happens on December 21st or 22nd. To pagans this meant that the winter was over and spring was coming and they had a festival to celebrate it and worshipped the sun for winnin...
Another suggested that Bono avoided church out of respect for other Christians, since his fame would disrupt worship. A reader complained that white evangelical churches were to blame for Bono’s alienation, since they have become more Republican than Christian. Another reader whose lifelong illness ...
Easter is the most important feast day in the Christian church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The feast day is “movable” and always falls on the first Sunday after the first full Moon after the spring equinox.Find out more about how Easter’s date is determined!
groups havelong since abandonedworshipping a White Jesus. Jesus has been portrayed asKorean, aBlack man with dreadlocks, as anindigenous Māoriwith a full-faced tattoo, and even as aBlack woman. It is no longer uncommon to encounter aBlackor brown Jesus on stained-glass windows in churches....