Why consider a power BJT mther than a MOSFET?Why consider a power BJT mther than a MOSFET?The article focuses on the advantages of adopting the power bipolar junction transistor (BJT) by the power system designers in the U.S. The use of the power BJT technology is preferred to Metal oxid...
A simple BJT or MOSFET would have done the same thing possibly taking up more board space. The 30 Ohms on the input and output of U1 provide 'sorta' ESD protection - better than nothing The TVS's clamp the voltage of the Drains of the 100Vds(max) power-MOSFETs to 77.4Vpeak to ...
The base of a transistor is lightly doped than the emitter and is made narrow so that virtually all the electrons injected from the emitter (in an npn transistor)