事实是,游戏长期以来一直在对硅谷的亲近和对好莱坞的嫉妒之间徘徊,而它们实际上在这两个地方都没有找到归宿。 事实是,《我的世界Minecraft》是一款儿童游戏。事实是,我在为 "聪明的普通读者 "杂志写作的时候,写烧烤猪肉三明治(McRib)时,阅读我的人比我写《Flappy Bird》要多一个数量级。事实是,我们必须为游戏写...
This is the most well-known unbreakable block in Minecraft. Bedrock forms the lowest layer of the Overworld and the upper and lower boundaries of the Nether and the End. It prevents players from digging beyond the game’s designed limits, ensuring players cannot fall into the “void” below....
Finally, if Microsoft dumps the desktop, all or most Windows software will be distributed via the Windows Store (asopen platform stalwarts likeMinecraft‘s Markus Perssonhave ominously noted). Not only would that allow the company to maintain a tighter rein on security—to wit: poisoned apps are...