No one is sure what Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Some think it might be a burial place or a place to honor ancestors. Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.Stonehenge was built slowly ...
Further insight into why consumers might be distrustful of product service systems. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 23(6), 780-793.M. Catulli, "What uncertainty? Further insight into why consumers might be distrustful of product service systems," Journal of Manufacturing Technology ...
The aim of the group is to provide children living in refugee camps with footballs. Other groups such as Playing for Peace and Right to Play provide opportunities for children who otherwise might never play football or throw a Frisbee.The next time you play your favorite game or sport, think...
At present, there is no clear or comprehensive theoretical model to account for the increasing use of alternative forms of health care. Accordingly, the goal of the present study was to develop some tentative explanatory models that might account for this phenomenon. Three theories that have been...
and once he stops putting her up on a pedestal, I might be able to see them as a real couple. Until then, that scene in her office does nothing to dispel my current belief that someone involved in the production of this drama has been reading too many X-rated hot-for-teacher webtoons...
Someone heading marketing, who makes an ad buy, is doing that with the knowledge that he might, or she might, hate ads. That’s the collective amnesia, right? When you’re watching a TV show, you don’t need to see an ad for Chevy 15 times over the course of the 45-minute show...
On the one hand, I do think it shows that low-information voters who are Black and distrustful of U.S. institutions could feasibly be enamored by bogus talking points that come from sources they believe they can trust. That’s part of the reason I’ve been...
We have found it effective to listen to others’ concerns and try to find common ground. Someone you connect with is more persuasive than those with whom you share less in common. When one identity is blocking acceptance of the science, leverage a second identity...
“Direct democracy” refers to the form of government in which all policy initiatives are determined by direct popular vote. The closest approximation to that of which I am aware is in Switzerland where, although there is in fact a bicameral legislature,
What was different about the Greeks that led to the origin of philosophy with them? Years ago, the simple answer might have been that the Greeks were "different," they just had some kind of special "genius" that enabled them to think about things in new and different ways. That kind of...