Why might the fraction of the unemployed who are job leavers be higher in a period of strong labor demand? Why is the rate of unemployment never zero percent? Explain the effect of increase in productivity of workers on demand for labour, on wages and on the number of workers...
Dataset size (middle panel):This graph shows the impact of dataset size on test loss, with the x-axis representing tokens. As the number of tokens grows, the test loss again declines according to a power law with a scaling exponent of about -0.095. This implies that expanding dataset size...
They might not be solely responsible for the gutting of journalism in general and even worse gutting of local journalism, but they're a big part of it. This is a giant and complicated topic in journalism discourse and there are masses of things you can read about it. Ethan Zuckerman write...
Also, what software are you using to generate that graph? I thought it was GrandPerspective, and scanned my own drive to see if I could determine what those files might be and where they are, but I don't see a way to get that sidebar info in the latest version of GrandPerspective. Re...
**A1: **According to my understanding, revocation and expiration are two different states of a certificate.The revoked certificate does not necessarily expire. The revocation should be revoked for some reason, so that the end user or the device can no longer use the certificate. Only revoked ...
Trump understands the Internet, and the Internet might just propel him into the White House. Meme magic is real.”As a result of the lack of context, many of the signals that Google relies on, such as the link structure of the web, are absent. While Facebook can make use of ...
Deception of Statistics: You might think the flaw of averages is a straw person issue that can be remedied by using more aggregate metrics, such as standard deviation (as in ANOVA testing) or median (as in chi-squared testing). Although a soothing position, you would be incorrect, as aggr...
You can’t usually detect these problems using a statistical procedure, and your final model might not be overfit. Often there are no visible signs of problems. So, what do you do? The answer lies in conducting subject-area research before you begin your study. This research helps you reduc...
As if that wasn’t enough, here’s a headline from LiveScience. While insects might show good nutritional value on paper, they might be outright toxic to the human body. Studies found that they can harbor parasites, affect the immune system, trigger allergies, and deplete vitam...
This, of course, really comes in handy when you are out by yourself and don’t have a real estate agent handy to ask a question you might not otherwise get the answers to immediately. Folks, there is a reason why Zillow is the #1 most visited real estate website on the internet. Eve...