In this multi-dimensional array, the second dimension is always 15 (there is always the same number of columns), it is the first dimension that will change from sheet to sheet. Thanks a lot in advance for your help, I'm open for everything excel vba multidimensio...
tgt_row = tgt_row + 1 .Cells(tgt_row, tgt_col - 1).Value = "План": .Range(.Cells(tgt_row, tgt_col - 1), .Cells(tgt_row, tgt_col)).Merge tgt_row = tgt_row + 1 .Cells(tgt_row, tgt_col - 1).Value = "Факт": .Range(.Cells(tgt_row, tgt_col - 1), .C...
C# Merge 2 txt files to get New text file c# method error CS1056 C# method return a list<string> C# Monthcalendar and easter C# Moving a picturebox c# moving an image c# named pipe client connect timeout C# Naming Conventions - Id or ID C# namspace.Properties.Settings C# newbie - conso...
I've done mail merges to Outlook in the past so have no trouble going through the right steps in Word, using an Excel list for the email addresses. DavidKt_46, Apr 9, 2024 #2 MM Marivel Man Win User Email mail merge Hi Joan, To assist you with your concern, we need to ...
Excel data doesn't retain formatting in mail merge Excel workbook shows old property values Date format is incorrect when converting a CSV text file with macros Delete cells with a "For Each...Next" loop Delete every other row on a worksheet Determine the current mode of calculation Determine...
RE: Why can't I merge cells in Excel? I don't suppose it's a shared workbook, is it? "beckybun" wrote: > I am trying to merge 2 cells in a worksheet. When you go to "format cells" > the option is checked already, and completely greyed out even though the > cells are not...
Sort, match, merge, join, append, create Built-in spreadsheet Unicode Process text or binary data Access data locally or on the web Collect statistics across groups BLOBs—strings that can hold entire documents Billions of observations Hundreds of thousands of variables Survival data,...
ReplyMessage","id":"message:3731915","revisionNum":2,"uid":3731915,"depth":10,"hasGivenKudo":false,"subscribed":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:ExcelGeneral"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:3729538"},"subject":"Re: why doesn't markros start in vb...
"Domain Users" in local users group isn't appropriate for us. Can I safely remove it? "Drive is not accessible. Access is denied" "Enable computer and user accounts to be trusted for delegation" rights is disabled for Administrator account despite delegation option in the "AD Computer Propert...
How to merge more than one Excel file using C# How to Merge two cells of a row in a Static table dynamically ? How to minus specified number of days in Datetime? how to mock the SmtpClient object which is used inside a function for Unit Testing How to modify a hyperlink to force ...