Mangroves are trees, and the forests they form, that survive in saline and brackish water. These trees develop complex root systems that extend through the water and intertwine with the roots of nearby trees. Mangroves provide important habitat for a range of fish, invertebrates and ocean plants...
Examples of plant species that form pneumatophores are theblack mangrove and the grey mangrove. These mangrove plants form pneumatophores since the saline soil is anaerobic and therefore hampers the submerged roots to carry out gas exchange through the soil. What are mangrove roots called? For th...
Some 114 varieties of wild plants under state-level protection and most of the region's wild animal resources are distributed in the nature reserves and have been effectively protected with the numbers increasing year by year. For example, the number of white-headed leaf monkeys under state first...
List reasons why seeds are important to plants that produces them. Why are so many plants polyploid? Why do rainforests have high biodiversity? Why are there more seed plants than seedless plants? Why is a red mangrove tree a keystone species?
Under normal circumstances, these nutrients pass through mangrove or seagrass areas before reaching the reef. It is these plants that are capable of utilizing the dissolved nutrients and incorporate them into living matter whereby it enters the food-web, passing through plankton and ultimately ending ...
Simply put, biodiversity refers to the incredibly rich variety of life on Earth. The word itself is a contraction of “biological diversity” and refers to every living thing on the planet. It encompasses all bacteria, insects, plants, animals, humans and more. ...
Though blacktips usually prefer saltwater, they also often spend time near shore around river mouths, bays, mangrove swamps and in other estuaries. They get their name from the distinctive black markings on the tips of their fins. They have stout bodies with moderately long, pointed snouts and...
Mangrove Skipper, underwing: Marine Blue(Leptotes marina): Marine Blue, female above: Marine Blue female below: Martial Scrub-Hairstreak(Strymon martialis) upperwing: Martial Scrub-Hairstreak, underwing: Attached are a few glimpses of the wild and wonderful from theHuntington Gardens in San Marino...
In fact, in the vast ocean world, the ocean affects the climate and weather phenomena on land, and a large number of marine animals and plants are important food sources for human beings. The oceans sail between continents and countries in the world, and about half of the world's ...
The amount of carbon in coastal soils varies between regions and wetland types. It depends on things like the texture of thesoiland whether the plants at work are large mangrove trees, succulent salt marshes, or small leafy seagrasses.