Let’s start this all off by making the first point … The public has been widely and exhaustively polled on the subject of legalizing Cannabis for at least medical access. This is something that close to 95% of“us”feel should be a reality.Sure states can legalize it, but then must ...
It looks like it's as simple as it is in the video up above. When you're scrolling your Instagram timeline, you'll see some blue dots at the bottom of an image; that means that you can scroll to see more images or videos within that post. This update is part of Instagram version ...
Another Reddit usersummedit up: "TL;DR: It is easy to do. It is difficult to do well." Good weed is hard to grow at a large scale Even if arrogant, the original poster's quip about potential profit was on the money. Craft cannabis farms are hesitant to employ machinery used by ind...
“The Data On Legalizing Weed,” byPlanet Money(2021). “What Percentage of Americans Smoke Marijuana?” by Zach Hrynowski (Gallup,2019). “Women Did Everything Right. Then Work Got ‘Greedy.’” by Claire Cain Miller (The New York Times,2019). ...
“You have to do whatever you want. If people think you’re cringey, then odds are what you’re doing is of value.” Cringe didn’t exactly become cool overnight. Joshua Citarella, an online-culture researcher and Twitch streamer, says that the past few years set the stage for its ...
are Schedule II and technically deemed less dangerous than weed by law. But with Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and Washington, D.C., legalizing recreational use of marijuana and 24 states legalizing medical use, Thiel’s firm’s investment may bring the rest of the apprehensive busines...
Ajit Pai, new head of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC),pledged last yeartotake a “weed whacker” to rules that regulate the internet like any other utility like water or electricity, arguing they were too onerous on cable companies and stifled innovation. ...
“The fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline has become a beacon of indigenous resistance, resilience, and unity. The time of honoring a man who enacted genocide and unspeakable atrocities on indigenous peoples is over. Tomorrow, water protectors will join in prayer for the meeting of the eagle...
While it’s good to let scotch breathe a little in your glass, with or without the addition of water, putting it in a decanter is mostly for looks (and there’s nothing wrong with that!). Sometimes it’s nice to have a display in which you have whisky in a decanter without all the...
Table 1.Partners in the Sonoran Desert Cooperative Weed Management Area. The museum also plays an important role in public education and outreach, coordinating ongoing volunteer groups and an annual “Save our Saguaros” event. Moreover, the remarkable volunteer effort that has been effective in co...