This is one system administrator’s point of view why LD_LIBRARY_PATH, as frequently used, is bad. This is written from a SunOS 4.x/5.x (and to some extent Linux) point of view, but this also applies to most other UNIXes. What LD_LIBRARY_PATH does LD_LIBRARY_PATH is an environm...
SAS is nice at the fron-end going into the OS system internals the are not the nice. Enough troubles seen to classify SAS als lazy and bad programmers on that area. ( And you find the LD_library_...
I'm not sure what has been removed. There are a handful of games I have and play regularly and many more I have collected over the years that I don't so it's possible I don't recognize that one is missing but having a list that comes up empty is not very helpful...
/ 5daUnwEd; `daJnwLd/ adj [usu attrib 通常 作定语] moving, leading or pointing to what is lower or less important 向下的; 下降的; 降低的: a downward movement, slope 下行、 下坡 *| a downward trend in prices 价格下降的趋势 *|(fig 比喻) on the downward path, ie getting worse 走下...
Sherry, here is the crash log from today when trying to open the downloaded file in ADE. This time the book didn't even appear in the library. I have an older machine with ADE 2.0 and had no problems downloading, opening or moving the...
-- Whoops! What happens when en is '0'?? end process; end architecture RTL; So if latches are a bad thing, how do you spot them? Let's feed the code above through various synthesis tools and see what happens... Latches and Quartus II ...
##TODO: see qmake/library/ioutils.cpp defineReplace(system_quote) { isEmpty(1):error("system_quote(arg) requires one argument.") contains(QMAKE_HOST.os,Windows): return($$shell_quote_win($$1)) return($$shell_quote_unix($$1)) } defineReplace(system_path) { contains(QMAKE_HOST.os,Win...
> ld: Unable to load shared library "/opt/langtools/lib/hpux64/" This indicates that unix98.o is bad but I'm not sure how. Trying using "-Wl,-v" with gcc, to have linker verbose output. I only need to see first 10 or so lines. And next step is to use gcc ...
Enter venv, a standard library descendant of virtualenv, which can create a lightweight virtual environment for packages to live in. This virtual environment gives you the separation from system packages and from different environments, but it is still tied to the system Python in some ways (and...
Why is this app crashing?Hello, Recently I have been experiencing a crash in one of my favourite apps and just wanted to know if anybody here could look at the crash report and help me out? I would gladly appreciate anyone who can help or even trys! Process: studioapp [449] Path: ...