Summary:This post elaborates on why Mac keeps saying USB Accessories Disabled regardless of having or not having anything plugged in. It then offers theCOMPLETEguide to help you re-enable USB accessories on Mac and discard the error message. While sitting there with my MacBook Pro 2020, I ca...
A real issue for virtualising at the moment (cause I've been doing this for a couple of weeks as my main work process) is virtualised macOS not having easy / any support for multiple displays. Trying to run InDesign on a...
you can almost guarantee that the best executor – the number 2 and/or 3 vice president in the company – will leave, feeling that they deserved the job. Now the board is faced with not only having lost its CEO, but potentially the bes...
Thus get a couple of second hand quite old laptops etc and install a more modern (probably not MicroSoft) OS or run from CD/DVD. What you do is based on your real OpSec requirments. Most people actually fall in the “I don’t know enough to be safe” group and end up doing the w...