Any view of a map, particularly projected from the Arctic Circle, shows how close all the Arctic nations are to each other in reality. Then add to it the fact that the famous - almost mythical - Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific is beginning to appear for the firs...
Then fill in the blanks with the words in the beautiful Africa years lives because is Becky. Isnt she _?She is from _. She is twelve _old. I _ Becky _ she issmart and friendly. She _ in Blackwood Zoo.beautifulThisAfricayears 13、likebecauselives3c. Write a description of ...
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—A. A.Yes,she is B.Yes,she isnt C.No,she is 10.Its not easy to B when we take a map. A.get up B.get lost C.get dressed 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。(5×5分=25分) 11.每年人们砍倒许多树。 Every year people cut down_many trees. 12.大象能走很长一段时间。 Elephants can walk...