More: When to Use ProPhoto RGB CMYK CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, and is a subtractive color model used primarily in printing. It’s not a color space but a method of displaying colors by combining these four ink colors. CMYK is crucial for preparing images for pri...
learn how to scan and invert negatives (that is also not quite developed topic right now, but at least with good activity in it), go in tedious route of shooting with two cameras: film and digital. And then compare the results and learn through gazillion videos on youtube and posts on ...
If you can’t view the video above,click hereto see it on YouTube. Quick Summary I completely understand that life is busy and that you may not have the time at this exact moment to watch the full video (we kept it short – only 27 minutes!). Soif you’ve only got a few minutes...
When teaching retouching, I find that many struggle with the notion of color. Using curves when you don’t know anything about color theory is awkward and anything but intuitive. Removing green to add magenta, go figure it out… Anyone who ever opened a video color corrector software has pro...