A certain shift of focus is observable in the three-factor structure of the YSEX?-H (Personal Goal Attainment, Relational Reasons, Sex as Coping) as compared to the four-factor structure of the original YSEX? (Physical Reasons, Goal Attainment, Insecurity, Emotional Reasons) developed by ...
Why is Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing Declining? The Roles of Environmental Regulation, Productivity, and Trade Notes: This figure plots the relationship between plant-level total factor productivity and NOx pollution per unit of out- put for US manufacturing in 1990. The plant-level productivity...
That is why I am not in favour of the plan. 那是我不赞成这个计划的理由。 H来自e expounded the reasons why he did it. 他阐述了他做这件事的理由。 She knows why the metal is the go说车每od conduct来自or. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
Surface tensionParis (PArallel, Robust, Interface Simulator) is a finite volume code for simulations of immiscible multifluid or multiphase flows. It is ... Aniszewski, W.Arrufat, T.Crialesi-Esposito, M.Dabiri, S.Fuster, D.Ling, Y.Lu, J.Malan, L.Pal, S.Scardovelli, R.Tryggvason, G...
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[00:25.52]He said OpenAI is betraying its founder's aims [00:31.16]by seeking to increase profits [00:34.12]rather than helping the world. [00:37.84]Musk brought the legal action [00:40.44]in San Francisco Superior C...
你没有理由不能拥有一个完全正常的孩子。(2)That it is folly is no reason that people won't do it, of course.当然,这类荒唐事人们不愿意这样做是不需要有什么理由的。当然除了“No reason”,下面这些常见表达也可以用来表示“没有为什么”(1)Why do all the trees change in the fall?为什么所有...
因为有趣。 when “何时”用来询问时间 When is your brother’s birthday? 你弟弟的生日是什么时候? It’s on September 15th. 9 月 15 日。 how “怎么”对某人 2019-07-19 209人浏览 特殊疑问句 1. 特殊疑问句 以特殊疑问词开头,对陈述句中的某一部分提出疑问 / 进行发问,回答时针对 问句中的...
is 是系动词 be;而does是组动词。这句话的陈述句 表示是 :The boy is very happy。所以疑问句用 why is the boy very happy?如果加入一个动词,例如 :feel 。陈述句变成:The boy feels very happy。feels 对应助动词do,疑问句变成 :Why does the boy feel very happy?
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