Thank you for responding. I am using Office 365 Word Version 1808 and Acrobat DC Pro Version 2021.001.20.135. I know how to add alt-text in a Word document, however I can start with a blank document, and it is hit or miss on whether or not the alt-text will convert ove...
“Microsoft Excel has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem…” “Microsoft Excel is not responding. If you restart or close the program, it will try to recover your information.” This issue seems to appear in various situations. Let’s check the possible causes...
Add a html content to word document in C# (row.Cells[1].Range.Text) Add a trailing back slash if one doesn't exist. Add a user to local admin group from c# Add and listen to event from static class add characters to String add column value to specific row in datatable Add comments...
but are entirely random. Starting a new topic and restating the unanswered question just gives the same "change topic" message. The only fix is to shut Copilot
You may be also interested inWhat to Do If Microsoft Word Won't Open on Mac? Summary There is nothing to worry about if MS Word has stopped responding. Just like any other program, there will be a minor issue with the software, but it is easily fixable. Nonetheless, you can surely tr...
@Url.Action Does not Work @using ReportViewerForMvc could not be found $.validator = "undefined", and $.validator.unobtrusive as "object is null or undefined" $().load Partial View $(document).Ready not executing for Partial View $ajax post call the Controller Action, and Return File obje...
4. Delete the app, then redownload it Delete the app. When you do this, you might lose data that was stored in the app. Then redownload the app. Then check to see if the problem with the app is fixed. Hope that helps! View in context Similar...
Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined at scripts.js:2 The transpiled JavaScript is: "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); // this is the offending line var root = document.documentElement; exports.root = root; var button = document.query...
The desired end result is shown at right: This takes a bit of work, but the good news is that after you do all this once, these are "sticky" settings in your InDesign document and won't change until you choose to change them. Which you can do, if you...
Convert word document to text file using powershell ConvertFrom-Json ConvertFrom-SecureString fails in remote powershell session even though WSManCredSSP is configured for both client and server. Converting "whencreated" (System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection) to string converting a s...