Why emphasize "manage and influence" over "own or dictate"? The reason is that your employer brand is not something you can lay claim to in a traditional sense. Instead, it exists within the minds of candidates and employees, shaped by their thoughts and impressions. As previously mentioned,...
You really do have to understand this like a religious view, very much like a Holy Spirit that is the Word, where the “Word” is the prevailing discourses, and the “Spirit” isn’t really holy: it’s systems of power and attempts at their disruption. Power is viewed to work through...
Sometimes it is not obvious whether or not 2 or more keywords are representing one specific topic. Let’s take a look at the keywords “science activities for toddlers” and “science experiments for toddlers” – although the queries are not completely identical and contain different words in t...
When you hear the worddictation, you might visualize an old-school boss dictating a letter to his efficient secretary, who is madly typing on a typewriter. But today I’m talking aboutspellingdictation. What is spelling dictation? This is when you dictate words and/or sentences to your studen...
If your company has “bad” policy management, you’ll find that the documentation is usually not in a centralized location. It could be paper-based or stored in Google Drive and Microsoft Word folders that all team members can’t access. Managing and distributing policies becomes challenging wh...
There are several reasons why India is a poor country. Some have historical roots and others derive strength from socio-political structures. Lack of effective governance and corruption has only sustained Indian poverty.
It’s also important that corporations monitor their operations and risk management techniques to see if they are still working and make changes whenever necessary. The Bottom Line Risk is an important part of the financial world. The word has negative connotations since there is the potential for...
For something different; we have left and right hand drive cars, has anyone considered that this is not actually necessary but it persists and so will the fiddling of computer interfaces. There is no need for users of Word and Excel to have the same interface as AutoCAD and visa versa. ...
There’s the metformin. There’s a question about whether you should take metformin every day because it does inhibit your ability slightly to build up muscle bulk. In an abundance of caution, I don’t take metformin on days I work out. It’s easy. I’m not working out every day like...
However, it wasn’t the final product, not even close. In the room next door, a human being got the input through the headphone and typed it on a keyboard. The effect was that the users in the experiment thought the IBM speech-to-text was a working prototype, but it wasn’t. ...