How would differential association theory predict white collar crime? Why do criminal justice researchers use statistics? How can labeling theory predict white collar crime? Why did organized crime increase in the 1920s? Why is there so much violence in the prison system?
White collar crime isn't as dramatic and clear-cut as violent crime, but its financial impact is much larger. The federal Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, which investigated the causes of the Great Recession,concluded thatalong with financial regulation failures and breakdowns in corporate governan...
Financial criminals are still one step ahead of the authorities, according to a criminal lawyer, who argues it will be impossible to eradicate economic crime completely despite increased scrutiny of the financial industry. White collar crime is estimated to cost the global economy more than $2 tril...
white collar crimesentencingjudgescourtsdefendantsmotivationneutralizationscriminologyJed RakoffRajat Gupta"So why did Mr. Gupta do it?" That question was at the heart of Judge Jed Rakoff's recent sentencing of Rajat Gupta, a former Wall Street titan and the most hiSocial Science Electronic ...
There is more to understanding white-collar crime than learning why people commit these offenses. What separates white-collar crime from other types of criminal activity is the level of privilege necessary to commit a white-collar offense. Certain crimes, like burglary and assault, can be committed...
Why is public perception important in criminal justice? Why is civil disobedience important? Why is white collar crime often hard to measure? Why are factions a problem in government? How does criminology help society? Why is writing important in law enforcement?
that any particular FBI agent will get placed on that team, and the same is true of the FBI's prestigiousNational Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, which focuses on criminal profiling. There are few positions within these areas of the FBI and competition for them is fierce, he ...
Why is it a Crime to Stomp on a Goldfish? - Harm, Victimhood and the Structure of Anti-Cruelty Offenses In the article it is argued that, contrary to what prominent animal law scholars such as Gary Francione claim, we have decided to criminalize harm to animals primarily because we are ...
YESHIVA UNIVERSITY TRIES TO COVER UP NAME OF MAJOR BENEFACTOR WHO IS BIGGEST WHITE COLLAR CRIMINAL IN HISTORY: KathJuliane December 12, 2008 @ 6:49 pm [Undated but likely recent Canadian popular petition also que...
QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I think the Post is the blue collar paper, you know? And I think that they have a moderate, pragmatic approach. They’re not so idealistic.”— Mayor Eric Adams, on the New York Post, adding that he doesn’t agree with the paper on everything after the editor...