One of the main reasons I love economics - at least the Austrian or verbal-logical variety - is...B.K. MarcusFreeman Ideas on Liberty
As the parent of a teen struggling with marijuana use, it is essential that you help your teen see that there are positive ways to deal with stressors that don’t involve using weed. Below are some alternatives your teen can try to help appropriately manage stress and traumatic feelings. ...
Autoflowering cannabis strains are kind of like a regular houseplant that gives you weed 2-3 months after germination. Their life cycle is much faster than the 3-5 month average time-to-harvest for photoperiod plants. They tend to stay small, which is great for a home grower making their...
Metabolism: Discuss the need for a balanced diet. Why is it important? Why are carbohydrates good for the body? Why do so many people avoid exercise? Why is having a strong understanding of biology important in life? Why is weed good for your body?
Causes of Conflict Between Parents and Teenagers 101 Fun Hobbies for Teenage Girls That's So Awkward! 7 Fun Ways to Embarrass Your Teenager Effects of Facebook on Teenagers: Positive and Negative 7 Reasons Why Your Teenager Doesn’t Want to Get A Driver’s License...
It’s not the case that more density is always better. Would you like to start growing denser cannabis buds? If so, you’ve come to the right tutorial. There are some extremely common reasons your cannabis buds aren’t growing as compact or dense as they could be, and I’m going to...
Everyone knows who the FBI is. Not everyone knows that the FBI has no authority in the Netherlands. Even though only 1% of people press 1, the scammers keep doing it because they can make good money. In the past, scammers would use strategies like poor grammar to weed out people who ...
Japanese knotweed is an extremely invasive plant that arrived in Europe from Japan over a century ago, this super weed doesn't just grow fast. 日本虎杖是一种极具入侵性的植物,一个多世纪前从日本传到欧洲,这种超级杂草不仅长得快。 It has root systems that are so strong and resilient that they...
If you have a daughter with potential, so long as the American Stasi is operative, you need to teach her that her friends may not really be her friends, and she may be a target. You cannot make this stuff up: Every day now, the owners of that airline have to wonder which one of ...
“The pressure is pretty strong to make this transition,” says Casciaro. “The best companies have been moving in this direction, and more are likely to join them. They’ve got to experiment and figure out what works. Ultimately, these will become baseline capabilities for good org...