Why is Earth's soil called the ecosphere? Why does temperature increase when water condenses? Why does the circulation within a cyclone usually bring cloudy, stormy weather? Why are sound waves called pressure waves? Why is a jet engine called an air breathing engine? Why do some fronts prod...
How is transpiration measured? Why are clouds generally observed to form in the troposphere? Why do we use scale drawings? What makes it rain? Why is forecasting stability and temperature important to meteorology? How are pressure measurements related to weather prediction?
The study of the atmosphere, particularly weather and climate, is called meteorology. Of the total amount of the sun's energy that reaches the Earth, 30% is reflected back into space by clouds and the Earth's surface. The atmosphere absorbs 19%. Only 51% is absorbed by the Earth's surf...
WEATHER DERIVATIVES. WHY THEY ARE APPLICABLE TO YOU.Calculation -This is equivalent to calculating the cost of an American call option contract on the value of a futures GMT contract with the following characteristics:* Spot = Current GMT (this is regarded as theGMT for the most recent year,...
“We have implemented a new work paradigm for our forecasters called ‘over the loop,’ which enables our forecasters to be much more efficient in their jobs,” said a spokesperson for The Weather Company, which owns The Weather Channel and is part of IBM. “In fact, many national forecas...
This study has analyzed the presence of a furin-like cleavage site in the S protein of recently emerged coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV, using the Clustal omega tool. The results confirmed its absence in SARS-CoV and its presence in the other two coronaviruses (Fig. ...
Carroll is also upset with those people who passed a body along the road and didn't stop. She's also upset with the derogatory comments made about Carmody on social media posts about her death. "I don't see that person that they're posting in these pictures. I see my 10-yea...
Jet engines burn fuel that is essentially the same kind of chemical as used by old prop planes. They produce lots of water vapor, and a contrail can result if the weather (at the plane’s altitude) is right. If the weather aloft is humid, then the contrail can persist for several ...
Why you should avoid the first flight of the day if you hate turbulenceJasper Pickering
Why is meteorology important for sailing? Why do we need to measure weather? Why is rainfall measured in millimeters? Why is oceanography important? Why is scientific notation useful? Why do we use a graduated cylinder? Why do scientists use the International System of Units?