Europe? You’re talking about 42 different countries – UHT milk really is not popular at all in the UK, it’s also not very popular in Greece either (for example) and like others said, even the countries who do buy UHT milk the very first thing they do before consuming it is put ...
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Sometimes I think it is really difficult for white people to determine whether they (you) are being scammed or not. I mean, the normal prices for food here would probably cost like 5 or 10 times cheaper than what you pay in Europe or California, so you might not notice it if the stre...
Producers and retailers – and even some consumers – think UHT milk is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Just think of the cost savings if refrigeration is not required after production, during delivery, or once it arrives to the store – not to mention the extended shelf life. Also,...
Households with higher incomes tend to waste more, as food is relatively cheaper than other goods. Especially in developed countries, the proportion of expenditure on food consumption is low in the total expenditure of households, and is less sensitive to food waste during food consumption [88]....