Here is a man who once described Frederick Douglass as ‘an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognised more and more.’ Like something out of Gertrude Stein: the black sludge of words, the sticky deposits left once language and communication have gone. But at t...
A cat will hiss when she feels there is an immediate threat and is trying to defend herselfwith an intimidating warning. The hissing sound is a result of combined fear, confusion, unhappiness, and surprise. Adrenaline is flowing and the hiss sound comes out of sheer instinct. 8. Why does ...
This near-universal trait in humans is believed to be instinctual. Our natural inclination to yell “NOPE” when a bug is anywhere near us could be our brains warning us that these things could bite, sting, infect or even poison us to death. Also, considering the fact that ...