drive your own tank you drive a tank you can throw toxic waste out the top you could shoot a bald eagle right in the head there's plenty of it liddie up dude is shitting all over my tank fuck my supposed to do look people I don't read okay seriously none of my shit is researched...
Notify Fluorogistx within 4 days of receiving the shipment if there’s any damage. Contact Corey Leigh at (302) 479-7734 or via email at ensure this information is shared with all relevant departments in your organization, including shipping, receiving, and procurem...
The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined, and his latest,Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters— argues that the opposite is true: there’s never been a better time to be alive. From me, the person writing these words, to you who’s reading...
Blood, vomit, alcohol and adrenaline… there’s no better way to describe one of the most notorious theme parks in history,Action Park. In addition to having an amusement park of unsafe rides, it was full of drunk guests and managed by a team of inexperienced teenagers. Ultimately, Action ...
T just bury one in the ground at any appreciable depth without some supporting engineering and there are other considerations above even that. Just for reference, a cubic yard of dirt weighs somewhere between aton and 2700 pounds or so. Imagine how much pressure a buried container bunker must ...
Who knows what you might find under there? Another place dust and dirt tend to collect is your walls. Dusting them with a Swiffer-type mop will remove loose dust -- if they're very dirty, you'll need to wipe them down with a moist sponge. Don't forget to dust the re...
When I lived in the city and had my FCR, we would spend a lot of time off-leash in Central Park (in the morning they allow that). You have not experienced horror until your dog has found human feces to roll in. There was a good supply of it, either from runners or homeless peopl...
At a presidential rally, parade or appearance, if you have on a supportive t-shirt, you can be there. If you are wearing or carrying something in protest, you can be removed. This, in the United States of America.This in the United States of America.Is Melissa Hughes the only one emb...
On Saturday morning, over 400 rusty crap-cans assembled in Troy, Michigan to partake in the grueling Gambler 500, an on and off-road rally in northern Michigan specifically for $500-ish cars. It was an awesome shitshow filled with some of the most questi
2 years ago Hate to be a buzzkill but eucalyptus in the shower gets moldy pretty quickly, it is better to stick with essential oils or shower steamers. Also, glass bottles in the shower may look nice but when one breaks and you're naked trying not to slip in the pile of glass, you...