Why the global (and southern African) housing crisis eludes solutionAlan Mabin
Around one in five households – 4.6 million people – live in privately rented housing, but many are far from happy with their living arrangements.
The United States is facing a housing crisis: Affordable housing is inadequate, while luxury homes abound (充裕), and homelessness remains a persistent problem. Despite this, popular culture and the housing industry market hap...
There is a growing tendency in global discourse to describe a health issue as a security issue. But why is this health security language and framing necessary during times of crisis? Why is the term “health security” used when perhaps simply saying “p
1) The government is clamping down hard. Since 2009, the government has created enormous regulation for banks in order to not repeat the housing crisis again. For example, the CPA letterhead and signature requirement was introduced recently in Feb, 2014, and it's causing massive headache for...
Members of Gen Z may be more aware of financial risks related to a lack of savings. “Younger people are inundated with media stories about the retirement income crisis,” Johnson says. “They see people in the labor market working well past retirement age.” This is often due to a fin...
Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul R. Krugman voiced concerns over China’s increasing reliance on trade surpluses to sustain manufacturing and signs of a real estate bubble, saying “there are real reasons to fear financial and economic crisis,...
A July poll by Pew also showed, however, that only 34 percent of people knew that TARP was enacted under President Bush, not Obama. "No politician is going to call for a revival of TARP. It really has been reviled by the public," says Gattuso. Elliott agrees, calling TARP "the best...
In another example, in auto manufacturing, a boom that began in the 1990s from a wave of restructuring of global supply chains reached maturity by the time the financial crisis occurred. When demand shocks hit, companies reacted by cutting investment and reducing employee hours worked. As demand...
A little bit of deflation is a product of, and good for, economic growth. But, in the case of an economy-wide, central bank-fueled debt bubble followed by debt deflation when the bubble bursts, rapidly falling prices can go hand-in-hand with a financial crisis and recession. Thankfully...