Why Israel Slept: The War in Gaza and the Search for SecurityYADLIN, AMOSEVENTAL, UDIForeign Affairs
Every time a major shooting incident happens, the debate about whether stricter gun control laws should be in place heats up. Why is it so hard to control guns in America? Is there any historical reason?RELATED STORIES One year on: Why the Gaza war is so difficult to end Video 1...
The only way out of the cycle of violence is to destroy Hamas’s rule—which means killing its senior leaders and smashing its military infrastructure.The suggestion that a war which entails the deaths of thousands of innocent people can lead to peace will appal many. In the past one act o...
There is increasingly talk in the normally slavishly militarist Western media about the need for peace in both Ukraine and Gaza, a negotiated peace based on talking with the very enemies, Palestine and Iran and Russia, that they have been assiduously demonizing for the ...
The recent death of U.S. troops in Jordan reignites pressure on the Biden administration to retaliate against Iran, a move which is advocated by some Republicans but others caution could spiral into a full-blown war. Adding another layer of urgency, Tawfiq said that the Gaza conflict could ...
"The latest war in Gaza not only serves as a reminder to Americans that China is not a threat to America or world peace, but also offers an opportunity for Washington and Beijing to work together on common global challenges, including...
He had led the country for nearly three decades when popular protests that began over soaring bread prices toppled him from power. During his rule, South Sudan split from the north while the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Bashir alleged war crimes in Darfur, a ...
vision or is playing some part in forcing it through. Whatever Trump’s tough-talking intent is, by undercurrent or opportunism, he has made the previously unthinkable part of the mainstream conversation. A forced expulsion on a scale not witnessed in decades. And one that would be a wa...