The Constitution is also important because of how it is structured. It is meant to be a permanent social contract between the government and the people, but it can be altered. Whileit is possible to add an amendment, the process is arduous, including that a proposed amendment be ratified by...
美国宪法中没有出现民主这个概念,它是一部共和制的宪法,并非一部民主制的宪法,甚至可以说是一部防民主的宪法。这是为什么? 2.9万 51 05:22 App 【Ted-ED】为什么莎士比亚这么喜欢五步抑扬格 Why Shakespeare Loved Iambic Pentameter 74.8万 3895 09:09 App 男子狂射数百枪,居民区变战区,警方最后只能...
The government insists it is on solid ground legally and that nothing in the Constitution says Medicare can't negotiate the prices it pays. The U.S. presidential election next year could add further uncertainty with the potential for Republicans taking control of Congress and the White Ho...
Why is the Establishment Clause important?The Establishment Clause:The Establishment Clause is part of the First Amendment to the Constitution. It was put into the Constitution in order to avoid the religious conflict that had existed for centuries in Europe....
Regarding China's foreign policy principles, China has peaceful development literally written into its constitution. Former president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez put it well: "China is large but it's not an empire. China doesn't trample on anyone, it hasn't invaded anyone, it doesn't go around...
Why was William Tecumseh Sherman important? Why did Roger Sherman sign the Constitution? Why was Roger B. Taney important? Why was William T. Sherman criticized? Why was the Battle of Yorktown important to American history? Why was William Tecumseh Sherman considered the first modern general?
1.What is the cause of the American Civil War?2.What are the two characteristics of the U.S.Constitution?3.How is the American population distributed?4.Why do American people have so strong a spirit of “Do-it-yourself”?5.What are the major powers of the Supreme Court?
Should the constitution be ratified? In this case i’m on the federalist side. I picked the federalist side because ratify the constitution will empower and establish our federal government. Another reason why I picked the federalist side is that the weak central government of the Articles of Co...
In this short essay, we make some general observations on when amending the Federal Constitution is a wise thing to consider, and apply those observations to the question of gay marriage.doi: D. AmarAlan E. Brownstein...
For you to demonize the many scientists who experiment while trying to find cures for diseases is really unfortunate and demonstrates that you are terribly uninformed. Am I saying that human life is more important than animal life? I am not. Animal experimentation is also performed on animals ...