To the 10th of Tevet has been added events that are associated with the 8th of Tevet – namely, the “tragedy of the Targum Shiv’im”, the first translation of the Torah into Greek which the Jews now consider was “coerced”. “Targum Shiv’im” specifically refers to the Greek Septuagi...
Bruno’s crime was writing ideas that the Catholic leaders didn’t like — Earth revolves around the sun, the sun is a star, there might be other worlds with other intelligent beings on them, Jesus didn’t possess god-like power, and souls can’t go to Heaven. For these heretical idea...
Below is a very fancymezuzah, a container affixed to doorways in Jewish homes, each containing aklaf, a piece of parchment on which there’s verse from theTorah (see above). The scroll itself is a lot more important than the container, and, if prepared in the kosher way,can cost a lo...
Why do Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Adha? Why is the Talmud important to Judaism? Who celebrates Hanukkah? Why is the Torah important to Judaism? What is the history of Rosh Hashanah? When is Rosh Hashanah on the Jewish calendar? How is Passover celebrated in the Old Testament? What are the...
(3) ID’s negative attacks on evolution have been refuted by the scientific community. As we will discuss in more detail below, it is additionally important to note that ID has failed to gain acceptance in the scientific community, it has not generated peer-reviewed publications, nor has it...
Years ago I went to teach in an urban school in order to join black people in their quest for equality. I was naïve, unaware of my ignorance, and totally conscious of race. What I learned was to question: why always in black and white? Please look for
Can you give me a reason why the Bible is the Word of God? Because every religion in the world will say that their book is the word of God. Why do you believe exclusively that this book, the Bible, is the Word of God? The apostle Peter wrote to us a very important a...
How is itgoingtobepeer reviewed?How is it made?²Though, again, important,what cangetlost in these more practical discussions isasustainedreflection onwhyone might want to take up digital methodsinthe first place. Whyare an in-creasingnumber of scholars and educators finding digital humanities...
THE ENTIRE WORLD UNDERSTANDS that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah. Every year at Christmas time we see advertisements to come and hear “Handel’s Messiah.” We all have that wonderful chorus ringing in our ears during the Yuletide season, “For Unto Us A Child Is Born.”...
God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. (CCC 1) The good news is that God created the world* and everything in it - including you - out of infinite love. God is not just some imperson...