In her mind, the sky, instead of being dark, should look like this, brightness everywhere. The key to the paradox (悖论) is, if you look closely at any patch (块) of the sky, you will see shining stars. If you look through a telescope, you will see more. The nearer stars will...
the brightsky ; (Olbers') paradox in a static universe is that the thermodynamic time scale is ; much larger than the luminous lifetime of the stars, and in general this is also ; true of the static steady-state model, the expanding models, and possibly the ; expanding steadystate model...
One proposed solution to Olbers’ paradox was that the light from all these stars is being blocked by something, but this was dismissed for various reasons. If the light was being blocked by large gas clouds, for example, then given the age of the universe, they would’ve absorbed enough ...
If the universe is infinite, then any line of sight should eventually fall on a star's surface. Why then is the sky dark at night? Discuss the commonly accepted evolution of the universe as a solution to this paradox. What makes the sun shine?
Sins of a Dark Age F2P game that mixes MOBA with full blown RTS mechanics. From makers of awesome Sins of a Solar Empire. Stardrive Promising indie action-strategy game where the goal is to build a space empire. Starvoid A multiplayer real time strategy game from Paradox, wrapped in the...
Welcome to the Fermi Paradox. We have no answer to the Fermi Paradox—the best we can do is “possible explanations.” And if you ask ten different scientists what their hunch is about the correct one, you’ll get ten different answers. You know when you hear about humans of the past ...
Explain the reason for each of the following: a) If you are trying to see a faint star in the night sky, it is better to look slightly to one side of it rather than straight at it. (think of the cell What role is played by dark matter in the f...
Even Jung understood the paradox of psychology and the self-improvement trap,writing: Now and then it happened in my practice that a patient grew beyond himself because of unknown potentialities, and this became an experience of prime importance to me. In the meantime, I had learned that all ...
This is strange, since stars in a disk galaxy form in a narrow, gas-rich plane called the "thin disk." Indeed, our Milky Way galaxy has a thin disk, inside which we find our sun and most of the stars visible to the unaided eye in the night sky. It's the motion of these stars...
We present here a possible quantitative resolution to the paradox. We show by a model calculation that if the air layer between a cloud and a ground-based observer is partly sunlit, the degree of linear polarization p of skylight originating from the cloudy region is highest in the UV, ...