Why the death penalty is not an answer: how can we continue to believe that it is morally acceptable for the state to take a human life? We cannot.(CRIMINAL JUSTICE)(Column)Nadeau, Joseph
The Greek word for "evil" is "κακός" (kakos), which refers to that which is morally wrong or harmful. The suggestion that one might do evil to achieve good outcomes is contrary to the moral teachings of Christianity, which uphold righteousness and holiness as reflections of God's...
That’s why it’s so hard to reckon with the facts: because the loss of her is so terrible, and so inhumanly unfair, and because if she could have outlived herself, she would find the whole thing – the rituals of grief, the sobriety of her own memorialisation, all the earnest mawki...
No laws which threaten him with the death penalty if he does not. Or if he commits incest or rape and an abortion takes place. No laws that force him to put his life on the line in order to parent a child. No laws that set the definition for life beginning before conception, so th...
What is crucial to notice here is that theonomic ethics comes to these conclusions on the basis ofBiblicalinstruction. Men have no right to alter or spurn Old Testament laws on their own say-so, social traditions, or preconceived ideas about what is morally appropriate or inappropriate in the...
Despite this risk, I stand by my previous paragraph’s assumption that it is morally permissible for such researchers to be authors so long as they follow all associated journal policies. However, the relevant weighing of the pros over the cons is beyond the scope of this paper. ...
That hate-Law said it was now death penalty for the jew’s bogus accusation “antisemitism.” Back then the Jew was in total control of the Sovjet-Russian state. The Jew could write any law the Jew wanted and the law the Jew wanted most was death penalty for anyone talking back to ...
The bully is a stock character in television and film. But too often pop culture gets it wrong.
One of the many ways that the US is a backward country compared to its democratic peers: the death penalty. But even here the death penalty is on death row. Gives hope that other kinds of progress will prevail in the long term.https://t.co/nnr7szbll7 ...
Humanizing the Preborn Person A hallmark of the pro-life movement, on the other hand, is to accurately recognize and refer to the humanity of the child. For example, a common term used by pro-lifers is the word “preborn” rather than the word “un-born,” which indicates something th...