The Constitution is also important because of how it is structured. It is meant to be a permanent social contract between the government and the people, but it can be altered. Whileit is possible to add an amendment, the process is arduous, including that a proposed amendment be ratified by...
Why is the Mayflower Compact not a constitution? Why did John Adams sign the Declaration of Independence? Why was Benjamin Franklin important to the Declaration of Independence? Why did Samuel Adams sign the Declaration of Independence? Why was Virginia's House of Burgesses significant?
Apportionment is important because it is the reason for the U.S. Census. Although census information is used in many ways, its original purpose was to count the population for congressional apportionment. Article 1 of the Constitution set a census every 10 years. The results were to be used ...
Why are monuments an important source of history? Why was the Statue of Zeus built? Why is Martha Washington important to American history? Why is the Bastille important? Why is the Preamble of the constitution important? Why is Thomas Jefferson on Mount Rushmore? Why was the William Wallace ...
Regarding China's foreign policy principles, China has peaceful development literally written into its constitution. Former president of Venezuela Hugo Chavez put it well: "China is large but it's not an empire. China doesn't trample on anyone, it hasn't invaded anyone, it doesn't go around...
Am I saying that human life is more important than animal life? I am not. Animal experimentation is also performed on animals for the betterment of animal health. Am I saying that all animal experimentation is necessary? Absolutely not. Some of it is very likely a sad waste of animal ...
Should the constitution be ratified? In this case i’m on the federalist side. I picked the federalist side because ratify the constitution will empower and establish our federal government. Another reason why I picked the federalist side is that the weak central government of the Articles of Co...
The Constitution was still in effect, holding the nation together and giving it boundaries to abide by. However, slavery was becoming a major issue that was starting to divide the nation. Much of the North was against slavery completely, whereas much of the South was a strong supporter of ...
It seems that many teachers will agree that teachingfractionscan be complex and confusing, but that understanding fractions is a necessary skill for students to have as they get older. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution addresses how math is being taught in a recent article titled, "Are we forcing...
This article mainly through to the construction enterprise in the construction stage cost constitution, the cost control principle, the basis, the step, the method and the system and so on the theory elaboration and the analysis, found causes the construction enterprise in the construction organizat...