Whether you’re a history buff intrigued by the deep antiquity of these lighthouses or you feel they set the perfect scene for a charming photo op (I know I got a cute picture!), Portland Head Lighthouse is a spot not to be overlooked on your Maine itinerary. The lighthouse has a m...
Some thoughts on the importance of celebrating Black Girl Magic in life and travel. I came across this quote while browsing the internet a few days ago and it got me thinking. "Black Girl Magic is a term used to illustrate the universal awesomeness of bl
While I understand the reason for this sort of behaviour, this security breach and blatant invasion of privacy is infuriating and unsettling. So this is where I’m at a loss for what to tell you. As mentally and emotionally exhausting as it was for me to travel in Egypt, I can’t ...
But I digress. While the “lack of melanin” on my travels isn’t anything new, one thing that I found interesting is that NOT EVEN ONE PERSON stared at me in Bhutan or asked to take my picture. I cannot express how refreshing this is– much as I like to connect with folks and pro...
I’ll still stay in hostels but nice(r) ones and eat at restaurants. I think the key for me is not to deprive myself! Also, I think it’s incredible that you found a career you enjoy and that allows you the holiday time and money to travel! I thought about teaching as well but...
So, travel snobs, let’s not shame people for doing what’s right for them, and instead applaud them for leaving their comfort zones in the first place. Slower isn’t always better. Are you a fan of fast travel? Or is travelling slower more your thing?