第一步,找定位词:medium soda priced 第二步,段落定位。题目问及“为什么中杯汽水的定价是这样的”,根据定位词,定位至材料最后一句:In fact, there’s a good chance the marketing department purposely priced the medium soda as a decoy (诱饵), making you more likely to buy the large soda rather t...
why is the medium soda priced the way it is?意思是:为什么中号的汽水是按这种方式定价的,是一个特殊疑问句句型。 主语部分可以看成是被动语态, 也可以是系表结构。the way it is 做表语补语。
The reason why medium soda is priced the way is to attract more customers to buy it. In fact, there’s a good chance the marketing department purposely priced the medium soda as a decoy (诱饵), making you more likely to buy the large soda rather than the small....
What Is Sodal Responsibility ? Why Is It Important ?Group, WorkingResponsihility, Social
Bonkers had a different flavor inside compared to the outside, and while they looked like gum, you could actually eat them. As a kid, there was nothing more thrilling than the sensation of eating something that felt like gum—and you know what that is? It’s Bonkers! Equally wild were ...
Bonkers had a different flavor inside compared to the outside, and while they looked like gum, you could actually eat them. As a kid, there was nothing more thrilling than the sensation of eating something that felt like gum—and you know what that is? It’s Bonkers! Equally wild were ...
Yes, it is made with baking soda, hence the name. Oh man, reminds me of old Irish family friends we used to know before they died. The bloody mary breakfasts with soda bread and all sorts of great food were epic. haha If you stayed over night and planned to leave the next day ...
You've heard soda is bad for your teeth, but it is really true? If it is, why is it bad? Answer: Yes, soda damages your teeth. Drinking a carbonated beverage is actually one of the worst things you can do for your dental health. The reason is because the carbonation that makes ...
English Translation.soda. More meanings for sosa. soda noun. soda, gaseosa, bicarbonato. Looking Back At Chief Keef’s “Love Sosa” | Song Stories 36 related questions found Who influenced Chief Keef? The influence of Chief Keef is far-reaching and has affected an entire lane of rappers ...
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