Why is bilateral symmetry important in the phylum Mollusca? Why are there no marine amphibians? Why did members of the phylum Mollusca lose segmentation? What scientific classification is a dolphin? How are cuttlefish members of the phylum Mollusca?
An Analysis of the Influencing Factors on the New Ventures Performance: In Case of the Enterprise in Zhejiang Province of China New ventures are very important to the development of the macro-economy. They attribute to the most of the new jobs in China. In this paper, we investigate... T...
from any point in the morphospace to any other nearby point. As a result one can deduce how morphology will change based on the fitness landscape: the population would evolve towards the steepest peak. The gray line shows that this is the evolutionary trajectory the population would follow.dAs...
The central hypothesis of this paper is that the concepts and methods of psychoanalysis can be applied to the study of AI and human/AI interaction. The paper connects three research fields: machine behavior approach, psychoanalysis and anthropology of sc
To achieve this goal, we first discuss the nature of the disease concept itself, and why we believe it is important for the science and treatment of addiction. This is followed by a discussion of the main points raised when the notion of addiction as a brain disease has come under criticis...
8Andreas EckertThe Emergence of a Global PerspectiveGlobal labour history has become one of the main approaches representing newdirections in the field of labour history.18Although rather peripheral in most rel-evant texts that provide introductions or overviews, it is also an important partof the ...
Visual motion is an important source of information for separating objects from their backgrounds. A spider camouflaged against a branch, for instance, immediately loses its invisibility once it starts moving. A friend you're trying to spot in a crowded airport terminal is more distinguishable once...
Our journey in customer experience began with investing time and effort around knowing who the customer is, how they see us, and how we can best support them. We recently implemented a new customer segmentation process that analyzed all aspects of a customer's business and what drives their de...
Sometimes called a scaly anteater, the pangolin in the only known species of mammal whose skin is covered in hard keratin plates. Insectivorous animals, pangolins eat primarily atns and termites, though they will also eat other insects, particularly during their larval stage....
For a completeguide on Market Segmentation, check this out. In the short term, we’re all starting from a niche market Companies likePayPal,Facebook,LinkedIn, andAmazon, didn’t start right away as tech giants, ready to take over the world. ...