Recently I am using sdxl0.9 in comfyui and auto1111, their generation speeds are too different, compter: macbook pro macbook m1,16G RAM. comfyui: 70s/it auto1111 webui dev: 5s/it Comfyui's unique workflow is very attractive, but the speed on mac m1 is frustrating. Is there anyone ...
Our case was pretty clear in our Firewall logs, so far we've only seen Bing Search select zsdch in response, and only while logged in to Edge [I]2023-07-14 18:11:03.556553 [p:206][s:85746775] wad_dump_http_resp :2593 hreq=0x277aab10 Received response from ser...
Here is what i got.. The 9900K has a 95W TDP rating. At default settings, the motherboard will set the long term turbo power limit to 95W. That is not nearly enough power for your CPU to run a stress test at full speed. The CPU will be forced to slow down so it does not ex...
My favorite mic that I've used so far is the Audio Technica AT-4047. Very smooth-sounding mic that has plenty of air and openness but doesn't sound harsh on the top end. Price is pretty reasonable too. I paid twice as much for an AKG condenser years ago and didn't like it nearly...
TWOS CO (Texas) - [On my Vette, only seats two, so...] UNEEK2 (Ontario) - [I wanted UNEEK but found out that someone else beat me to it... Now, there's two UNEEK drivers on the roads of Ontario!] UR SLOWW (Sun City, FL,) - [It is on a 97 Trans Am Ws6 RAM AIR Ne...