The brain is made largely of fat and the majority of the fat in the brain is saturated. The Myelin Sheath that surrounds the nerves in the brain and ensures their proper function is also largely made of saturated fat and cholesterol. As such, consuming saturated fats is extremely important,...
Let’s explore what we know about cholesterol, saturated fat, and heart diseasetoday– and see if we can find the answer to whether saturated fat is good or bad for you. Cholesterol Clarity Cholesterol is one of themost importantcomponents of our cells because it’s responsible for the integ...
It is very important to understand what are healing and harmful fats as the choices of oil that we consume determines our health in big ways.
Even when saturated fat does, the type of cholesterol becomes more important than cholesterol itself. Saturated fat does raise the LDL or bad cholesterol, but it also raises the good or HDL cholesterol. But sugar lowers HDL cholesterol. And it is the ratio of total to LDL cholesterol that ...
Why You Should Avoid Saturated Fats Saturated fat is associated with raised levels ofLDL cholesterol, which can lead to blockages in your heart and other parts of your body. This harmful type of cholesterol also increases your risk for heart disease. ...
This happens much later in the digestive process, so fat digestion is much slower.The different fats interact with your hormones in complex ways that, unlike carbs, don’t cause a massive spike in insulin. And good...
We talk to our blood fat expert, Dr Sarah Berry from King’s College London about the latest science on cholesterol and blood fat. And we find out why understanding how your body responds to fat is important for your cardiovascular health. Understanding blood fat and heart health Cholestero...
As the first country in the world, Denmark introduced a tax on saturated fat in 2011. It was repealed in 2012. In this paper, we present arguments and themes involved in the debates surrounding the introduction and the repeal.查看原文 公开下载...
Shortly after the repeal of the tax, research was published showing that consumption of saturated fat had declined in Denmark.The analysis indicates that the Danish tax on fat was introduced mainly to increase public revenue. As the tax had no strong proponents and many influential adversaries, ...
Third, not eating enough fruits and vegetables is unhealthy because they are important sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber that are essential for good health. Fourth, eating too much red meat or processed meat is unhealthy because they are high in saturated fat and can increase the risk ...