Why is the Taiping Rebellion responsible for the collapse of China? What happened after the collapse of the Ming Dynasty? What caused the demise of Shi Huang Di's dynasty? Why did the Zhou Dynasty end? What happened when the ruler of the Qin Dynasty died?
Being the first, largest and richest imperial mausoleum in Chinese history, the Mausoleum of the Emperor Qin Shi Huang contains a large number of precious cultural relics, such as silk, fresco and paintings according to the historical records. Why don’t they excavate the mausoleum to reveal the...
achina is far from civilize. im Chinese btw just that i dun live in china... Chinese there are very diff from Chinese in other countries.. may b their controlled media and 3rd world education system suggest why...haha.. @qinshiking您dickhead!!! 因为他们是腐败有臭味的,人们被惊吓臭鼬...
Still, if we wanted to be unkind, we could say that what’s really going on here is that advocates of CLS are mostly well-paid professors at prestigious law schools, and the core theoretical insight of CLS allows you to pretend that being a well-paid professor at a prestigious law school...
As the increasing magnitudes and scales of nutrient pollution and habitat alteration, many of the world's large lakes exhibit symptoms of eutrophication, e.g., toxic cyanobacterial blooms, deoxygenation, and habitat loss.doi:10.1016/j.scib.2019.02.008Boqiang QinState Key Laboratory for Lake Science...
How is the Cultural Revolution taught in China? Did the Cultural Revolution harm China? Why was the Taiping Rebellion significant? Why did Tokugawa Ieyasu ban Christianity? Why did peasants revolt in China during the Han dynasty? What was the U.S. reaction to the Chinese Communist Revolution?
By Dr. William H. Gaunt Thimerosal (50% ethyl mercury) was removed from most pediatric vaccines in 1999-2004 but still remains in the multidose flu vaccine which is given to pregnant women and infants. Mercury is a powerful neurotoxin which causes...
(IAC) framework to investigate the socio-psychological drivers of Iranian farmers’ unsustainable groundwater management practices. Empirical land use change analysis of US Geological Survey Landsat satellite images of the Jaz-Murian wetland region for 1990, 2010, and 2022, is combined with community ...
Due to their substantial fluorescence quantum yields in the crystalline phase, propeller-shaped molecules have recently gained significant attention as potential emissive materials for optoelectronic applications. For the family of cyclopentadiene derivatives, light-emission is highly dependent on the nature of...
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