Click button on web-page using power shell is not working Clone Windows 10 Cloning objects in powershell Close a powershell window when called from a batch file Close all popups pulled from running a an executable Close Excel com object without saving changes? Close Form cluster name us...
Even more curiously, the two tools that have the most “Yes” values (Poetry and PDM) are not maintained by the PyPA, but instead other people completely independent of them and not participating in the working group. So, is the working group successful, if it cannot produce one fully-...
When Not to Use Docker While Docker is great for streamlining application development, there are a few instances where you might want to avoid it. Here’s when you shouldn’t use Docker: When building a portfolio project: You don’t need Docker to build a small project, especially since yo...
So we are not actually going to rewrite HammerDB in Python, however it is trivial to write a command line driver script in Python as all the hard work in creating the schema and writing the stored procedures has already been done. (We use stored procedures because, as the introducto...
–No good way to check whether “a.b” is valid or not at “compile” time, so you may discover at runtime, even in a program that’s been working fine, unchanged for years, that you forgot to import some library. –Programs like pylint, pychecker, etc., that might address the ab...
This mad rush to send more work offshore (to get costs better aligned) is an act of desperation.Everyone knows it isn’t working well.Everyone knows doing it is just going to make the service quality a lot worse.If you annoy your customer enough they will decide ...
ConvertTo-JSON cmdlet is not working with other language characters like ü ö ä ç á etc.Need immediate help. ConvertTo-Json gives unexpected characters in JSON payload. ConvertTo-SecureString : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'String' because it ConvertTo-SecureString Error ConvertTo-...