Why is the ionic radius of potassium smaller than the atomic radius? Why are arc sources often blanketed with a stream of an inert gas? Why are halogens diatomic while the elements of other groups are polyatomic? Explain why Zr4+ ion exists?
Why does copper produce a brighter flame with more colors than sodium? Why is the ionic radius of potassium smaller than the atomic radius? Explain why an increase in electrons results in an increase in boiling point. Explain why a magnesium atom is bigger than a sodium atom. ...
To understand why fluorine is the most reactive halogen, we can break down the explanation into several key points:1. Identify the Halogens: - The halogens include fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and a
When researching what is Dong Quai, take note of its active components sequiterpenes, dihyrophyhalic anhyride and beta-sitosterol in addition, the herb contains significant vitamins such as A, C and E and B-Complex, minerals such as Cobalt, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium and serves as a pow...
Answer and Explanation:1 When going down the group, the number of electrons around the nuclei increases, adding new orbitals to the atom and that increases the size of the... Learn more about this topic: Periodic Table Groups vs. Periods | Properties & History ...
potassium and magnesium are correlated with hangover severity. So an isotonic drink the morning after is likely to have nothing more than a placebo effect. Placebo can be powerful, however –even when you know it’s placebo. Given the absence of a scientifically verified cure, do what...
Metals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium (among many others) play a vital role in metabolic reactions, maintaining homeostasis (maintaining water balance), and passing electricity through the nervous system. What do a house, a car, a lamp post and an automobile h...
How is nan3 formed? 2 NaN3→2 Na + 3 N. The same reaction occurs upon heating the salt to approximately 300 °C. The sodium that is formed is a potential hazard alone and, in automobile airbags, it is converted by reaction with other ingredients, such as potassium nitrate and silica. ...
Why does a sodium street lamp give off a different color light than a neon light? 1. Why is potassium hydroxide used to dissolve the aluminum? Why not sulfuric acid? 2. What does "amphoteric" mean? why is trans-[Co(en)2F2]+ less colored than cis-[Co(en)2F2]+ or trans-[Co(en...
Why is galvanizing a more effective form of rust production then painting or oiling? Explain why aluminum does not react with potassium nitrate (KNO3) although it reacts with copper nitrate (Cu(NO3)2). Why is it possible for an active metal like aluminum to be useful as a ...